IEEE Third International Conference on
“Multimedia Processing, Communications and Information Technology” - MPCIT 2020

Date : 11th & 12th December 2020

Inauguration : 11th Dec 09:30 am

Hosted By : JNNCE, Shivamogga through Online

Latest NewsJoin the inaugural function of MPCIT 2020 on 11th Dec 09:30am @ Go to Meet : || Paper Presentation Schedule announced Click Here


IEEE Students Branch & Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Invites you for the inaugural function of "Third IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Processing, Communication and Information Technology – MPCIT 2020"

Date: 11.12.2020
Time: 09.30 am
Join the inaugural function of MPCIT 2020 @ Go to Meet Click Here
Invitation Click Here
Paper Presentation Schedule Click Here

About Conference

MPCIT 2020

IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Processing, Communication and Information Technology – MPCIT 2020, will be hosted through ONLINE during December 11-12, 2020 by JNN College of Engineering Shivamogga, Karnataka, India. MPCIT 2020 is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of Electronics, Telecommunication, Computer Science, and Information Technology to a common forum. The primary goal of the conference is to promote research and development activities in Multimedia Processing, Communication and Information Technology. Another goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners working in India and abroad. The conference will be an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in Information, Telecommunication, Computing Techniques and related areas. The conference is aimed at providing a platform to all researchers to interact, share their research findings and to discuss their research ideas with the co-researchers from all over the world. It also provides an opportunity to highlight recent developments and to discuss future directions on these exciting fields.


Call for Papers

MPCIT 2020 is an international conference where theory, practices, and applications of Multimedia Processing, Communication and Information Technology and related topics are presented and discussed. Original contributions are solicited on topics covered under broad areas such as (but not limited to):

  • Multimedia Processing

    Multimedia communication and networking, Multimedia systems, applications and services, Next generation communications, Multimedia and networking systems, Media generation and integration, Multimedia analysis and understanding, Multimedia security, Signal processing theory and applications, Image processing, 3D point cloud processing, Video processing and related topics

  • Communications

    Data communications, Data compression, Data encryption, Information theory coding and modulation, Spread spectrum, Sustainable wireless communications, Mobile and cellular communications, MIMO and space time communications. Cooperative relay communications, Cognitive science, Wireless communications and networking, Microwave circuits and systems, Antennas and propagation, Array signal processing, Software radio, EMI/EMC, 5G Wireless Communication and other topics in communications

  • Information Technology

    Broadband & intelligent networks, Computational intelligence, Data base management, Data mining and Data fusion, Aritificial Intellegence and Machine Learning, Data Science and Data Analytics, E-Commerce & E-Government, E-Health & Biomedical applications, E-Learning & E-Business, Fuzzy, ANN & expert approaches, Grid and cluster computing, ICT & banking, Software engineering and formal methods, Systems & software engineering, Web engineering, Internet applications & performances, Knowledge based systems and other topics in information technology

Prospective authors are invited to submit full (and original research) papers (which is NOT submitted/published/under consideration anywhere in other conferences/journal) in electronic (PDF only) format through the Microsoft Conference Management System Website. All accepted and presented papers will be submitted for possible inclusion in IEEE XPLORE Digital Library

Click here for Submission of Papers

Click here to Download Conference Brochure

Important Dates

Sl.No Description Date/s
1 Paper Submission Final Deadline 30 Nov 2020
2 Paper Acceptance Notification 02 Dec 2020
3 Camera Ready Paper Submission 04 Dec 2020
4 Paper Registration 06 Dec 2020
5 Conference Date 11 & 12 Dec 2020

Conference Team

Sri. A. S. Vishwanatha
President, National Education Society, Shivamogga

Sri. T. R. Ashwathnarayana Setty

Vice President, National Education Society, Shivamogga

Sri. S. N. Nagaraja

Secretary, National Education Society, Shivamogga

Sri. D. R. Amarendra Kireeti

Joint-Secretary, National Education Society, Shivamogga

Sri. C. R. Nagaraja

Treasurer, National Education Society, Shivamogga

Dr. P. Manjunatha,
Dean Academics and Incharge Principal, JNNCE, Shivamogga

Dr. S. V. Sathyanarayana,
HoD, E & C, JNNCE, Shivamogga

Dr. P. Manjunatha,
Dean Academics and Incharge Principal, JNNCE, Shivamogga

Dr. Niranjan U C
Chairman, IEEE, Mangalore Subsection

Dr. Snehansu Saha, Professor, BITS PILANI
IEEE Senior member, ACM Senior Member & Ex-Chair, IEEE Computer Society Bangalore Chapter

Dr. P. Manjunatha,
Dean Academics and Incharge Principal, JNNCE, Shivamogga

Dr. S Pramod Kumar
, Associate Professor, ECE Dept, JNNCE, Shivamogga

Dr. Ashish Mahabal
Center for Data Driven Discovery, Caltech, USA

Dr. Vaskar Ray Choudhury

Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE, Miami University, Ohio

Dr. Ricardo Vilalta

Professor, Computer Science, University of Houston

Dr. Carlos Coello Coello

Professor, UNSW School of Engineering and Information Technology, and CINVESTAV, Mexico

Dr. Mogyorósi Péter

Director/CEO, LC Innoconsult International, Hungary

Dr. Javier Finat

Professor, Department of Algebra, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain

Mr. Kittur Nagesh

Founder & CEO, Cognito Networks, Inc., San Francisco

Dr. S. Rangarajan

Senior Vice President, Data Solutions, Yazmi USA Inc, USA

Mr. K. N. Bhanu Prakash

Group Leader, Signal & Image Processing Group, Singapore Bioimaging Consortium (SBIC), Singapore

Dr. Kai-Lung Hua

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Dr. S. Sadagopan
Professor, IIIT, Bangalore, India

Dr. Harish Mysore

Director - India Operation, IEEE

Dr. K V S Hari

Senior IEEE Member, IISc, Bangalore Chair-IEEE Computer Society Bangalore Chapter

Dr. Vishwas Lakhundi

Chair-IEEE Computer Society Bangalore Chapter

Dr. Debobrato Das

HP Chair IEEE, Professor, IIIT, Bangalore

Mr. M. N. Vidyashankar

Ex-Principal Secretary to Govt. of Karnataka, Bangalore

Dr. K. R. Ramakrishna

Professor, IISc, Bangalore, India

Dr. A. G. Ramakrishna

Professor, IISc, Bangalore, India

Dr. Bimal Roy

General Secretary, CRSI, Kolkata

Dr. C. Pandurangan

Professor Emeritus, IIT Chennai

Dr. P. Nagabhushan

Director, IIIT, Alhabad

Dr. Mahadeva Prasanna

Professor, IIT Dharwad, India

Dr. D. Manjunath

Professor, IIT Bombay, India

Dr. Devendra Jalihal

Professor, IIT Madras, India

Dr. M. H. Kori

IETE, Bangalore, India

Dr. P. K. Saxena

Director, SAG, DRDO, New Delhi, India

Mr. Pratap K Desai

President, ISTE, New Delhi.

Mr. Basavaraj Garadi

General Manager (RBEI/ETM), Robert Bosch, Bangalore

Dr. Nithin Nagaraj

Associate Professor, NIAS Bangalore

Dr. Bhabotosh Chanda

Professor, ISI Kolkata

Dr. Ashwin Srinivasan

Director-APPCAIR, BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus

Dr. Kartik Muralidharan

TCS Research Labs, Bangalore

Dr. S Surendra

Professor, EEE Dept., JNNCE, Shivamogga

Dr. A H Thejaswi

Professor, EEE Dept., JNNCE, Shivamogga

Dr. H B Suresh

Professor, EEE Dept., JNNCE, Shivamogga

Dr. Nirmala Shivanand

Professor, CSE Dept., JNNCE, Shivamogga

Dr. K M Poornima

Professor, CSE Dept., JNNCE, Shivamogga

Dr. R Sanjeev Kunte

Professor, ISE Dept., JNNCE, Shivamogga

Dr. K Jyothi

Professor, ISE Dept., JNNCE, Shivamogga

Dr. M B Ushadevi

Professor, E&TE Dept., JNNCE, Shivamogga

Dr. S. Prabhudeva

Director, MCA Dept., JNNCE, Shivamogga

Dr. C P Ravikumar
Technical Director, Texas Instruments, India

Dr. Vishwas Lakhundi

Chair-IEEE Computer Society Bangalore Chapter

Dr. Debobrato Das

HP Chair IEEE, Professor, IIIT, Bangalore

Dr. T. N. Nagabhushan

Principal, SJCE, Mysore

Dr. Niranjan Chiplunkar

Principal, NMAMIT, Nitte, India

Dr. B. S. Daya Sagar

Professor, ISI Bangalore

Dr. Saroj Meher

Associate Professor, ISI Bangalore

Dr. SriparnaSaha

Associate Professor, IIT Patna

Dr. Asif Ekbal

Associate Professor, IIT Patna

Dr. Anirban Chakraborty

CDS, IISc, Bangalore

Prof. V R Ashwini Holla

Execom Member, IEEE, Bangalore Chapter

Dr. H. C. Nagaraj

Principal, NMIT, Bangalore, India

Dr. M. K.Venkatesh

Principal, RNSIT, Bangalore

Dr. M. Aswatha Kumar

Professor, Christ University, Bangalore

Dr. D. S. Suresh

Principal, CIT, Gubbi

Dr. Krishnamurthy

Principal, BNMIT, Bangalore

Dr. Ganesh Bhat

Vice Principal, Canara Engg. College, Mangalore

Dr. K. S. Shridhara

Principal, UBDTCE, Davangere

Dr. G. K. Patra

Senior Principal Scientist, CSIR Fourth Paradigm Institute (CSIR 4PI), Bangalore

Dr. Annappa

Past Chair, IEEE Mangalore Subsection, Professor, NITK Suratkal

Dr. Narasimha Kaulgod

Professor, NIE, Mysore

Dr. Ravishankar

Professor, RVCE, Bangalore

Dr. Shanathala

Professor, BIT, Bangalore

Dr. K. B. Raja

Professor, UVCE, Bangalore

Dr. D. S. Guru

Professor, Department of Studies in Computer Science, University of Mysore

Dr. Navin Kumar

Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru

Prof. R. K. Manjunath

Professor, RVCE, Bangalore

Dr. P. A. Vijaya

Professor, BNMIT, Banagalore

Dr. Ganesh Ithal

Shri MadhwaVadiraja Institute of Technology and Management, Bhantakal

Dr. S. M. Dilip Kumar

Professor, UVCE, Bangalore

Dr. K N Manjuanth

MIT, Manipal

Dr. Roshan Martis

VCET, Puttur

Dr. Shankar B B


Dr. Ramya Lokesh

MIT, Manipal

Dr. Dayakshini Sathish

SJEC, Mangalore

Dr. Vidya Kudva


Dr. Sandra DSouza

MIT, Manipal

Dr. S N Jagadeesha

Professor, PESITM Shivamogga

Dr. Karunakar A K

Professor, MIT, Manipal

Dr. Anitha H

Professor, MIT, Manipal

Dr. Hareesha K S

Professor, MIT, Manipal

Mrs. Roopa B S, Asst. Professor, Dept.of ECE, JNNCE, Shivamogga

Mrs. Prema K N
, Asst. Professor, Dept.of ECE, JNNCE, Shivamogga

Mrs. Smitha S M
, Asst. Professor, Dept.of ECE, JNNCE, Shivamogga

Welcome to MPCIT 2020


Contact us

Mrs. Roopa B S, Asst. Professor,
Mobile: 9480447444
Mrs. Prema K N, Asst. Professor,
Mobile: 8277324422
Mrs. Smitha S M, Asst. Professor,
Mobile: 7022620220

College Web:

Location: JNNCE Shivamogga
Karnataka, India-577204


The MPCIT 2020 IEEE International conference is scheduled to conduct through online by
JNN College of Engineering

Navule, Shivamogga-577204
Karnataka, India.