

Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for publication in the IEEE Third International Conference on Multimedia Processing, Communication and Information Technology – MPCIT 2020 Proceedings and for presentation at the Conference.

Authors must submit their manuscripts using Microsoft CMT before November 17, 2020 23:59 hrs AoE (Anywhere on Earth). Please note that IEEE MPCIT 2020 will follow a double-blind review process. All submitted papers will be assessed on the basis of their quality, presentation and relevance through a double-blind review process in which the author's identities are withheld from reviewers. The authors are therefore expected to maintain the submission anonymity while at the same time allowing the reader to fully understand the meaning of related past work, including their own. Papers that do not conform to the double-blind submission policies will be rejected without review.


Papers submitted to MPCIT 2020 shall contain original work by the author(s) that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The IEEE anti- plagiarism policy is applicable to all submissions. The author(s) are solely responsible for any plagiarized submission.

DO’s and DON’Ts on double-blind submission

DO NOT include authors' names and affiliations in the PDF file title page you will be sending for review. If your paper gets accepted, this information needs to be included in the final camera-ready manuscript. You need to include all the author details only on the Microsoft CMT registration page when submitting the review manuscript.
DO NOT mention any acknowledgments that identify names and funding sources in the PDF file that you will submit for review. Again, this information can be included in the final camera-ready manuscript if your paper gets accepted.
DO NOT include project titles or names that can be used to trace back to the authors via a web search engine.
DO NOT use any names for the file names of the manuscript.
Follow anonymity when referring to your previous works as related works. You may refer your past work in the third person. For example, you may refer your own past work as “ABC et al. [2] have presented a data diffusion methodology …”, even through ABC is the author of this paper.
DO NOT post your submitted paper on any public website, such as, personal webpages, or share via public mailing lists.
You may use an anonymous dropbox link for the reviewers to download an extended version of the submitted manuscript with details of mathematical proofs and other Appendices.
DO NOT bypass Microsoft CMT portal for submission, and DO NOT send the manuscript to the committee via email or any other means.

It is the responsibility of the authors during the initial manuscript submission process via Microsoft CMT to ensure that all the names of the authors are included in the Microsoft CMT submission page, and NOT in the PDF file. In particular, all co-authors and not just the submitting author must be included on the Microsoft CMT registration page. Failure to comply with this rule might result in rejecting your paper from the review process. Note that the author list of an accepted paper cannot be changed in the final manuscript.

All submissions must be written in English for the long paper track with a maximum page length of SIX (6) printed pages. Papers must comply with the standard IEEE guidelines, in PDF format, two columns, (minimum 10-point font) or greater. The Figures, Tables, and Equations must be in high resolution with proper tags, and must be referenced in the text portion of the paper.

Standard IEEE conference templates for LaTeX and Microsoft Word formats can be used to write technical papers and are found at IEEE Website

Please run the paper formatting check on Microsoft CMT before submitting the manuscripts for review. Papers exceeding page limits will not be accepted by Microsoft CMT, nor will they be reviewed at all. All accepted and presented papers would be considered for the possible inclusion in the Conference Proceedings through IEEE Xplore.

Important IEEE Policy Announcement

The IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (including its removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference.

Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission). Submitted papers must be unpublished and not currently under review for any other publication. Authors of accepted papers will need to sign an IEEE copyright release form and present their paper at the conference.

What the committee looks for in selecting your paper

The technical program committee looks for the following aspects in the review process. Please ensure the submitted manuscripts address all the aspects.

Novelty and original contribution(s):
The proposed work must have a novel and original contribution(s) relevant to the field of study. The paper must explicitly mention their contribution(s) in the content.
Technical relevance:
The author(s) must justify the technical relevance of the proposed solution to the present-day needs. It is also strongly recommended that the submitted paper aligns with the scope of the conference.
The implementation of the proposed solution either as a hardware prototype or through a simulator/emulator is required. The details of the implementation, with all the associated hardware/software tools and technology used must be explicitly mentioned.
Evaluation and Results:
The proposed solution must have been evaluated quantitatively and the results for the same must be included in the paper as graph-charts or tables, and must be discussed in detail. The metrics used for evaluation must also be specified.

Survey/review papers

Survey/review papers are beyond the scope of the conference, and are not encouraged to be submitted.

Click here for Paper Template

Click here for submission of paper