

Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for publication in the National Workshop on Cryptology-NWC2021 Proceedings and for presentation at the Workshop.

Authors must submit their manuscripts to email id: on or before November 07, 2021 23:59 hrs AoE (Anywhere on Earth). Please note that NWC 2021 will follow a double-blind review process. All submitted papers will be assessed on the basis of their quality, presentation and relevance through a double-blind review process in which the author's identities are withheld from reviewers. The authors are therefore expected to maintain the submission anonymity while at the same time allowing the reader to fully understand the meaning of related past work, including their own. Papers that do not conform to the double-blind submission policies will be rejected without review.


Papers submitted to NWC 2021 shall contain original work by the author(s) that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The similarity index of the paper should be less than or equal to 25%. The author(s) are solely responsible for any plagiarized submission.

DO’s and DON’Ts on double-blind submission

DO NOT include author's names and affiliations in the PDF file title page you will be sending for review. If your paper gets accepted, this information needs to be included in the final camera-ready manuscript.
DO NOT mention any acknowledgments that identify names and funding sources in the PDF file that you will submit for review. Again, this information can be included in the final camera-ready manuscript if your paper gets accepted.
DO NOT include project titles or names that can be used to trace back to the authors via a web search engine.
DO NOT use any names for the file names of the manuscript.
Follow anonymity when referring to your previous works as related works. You may refer your past work in the third person. For example, you may refer your own past work as “ABC et al. [2] have presented a data diffusion methodology …”, even through ABC is the author of this paper.
DO NOT post your submitted paper on any public website, such as, personal webpages, or share via public mailing lists.
You may use an anonymous dropbox link for the reviewers to download an extended version of the submitted manuscript with details of mathematical proofs and other Appendices.

All accepted and presented papers would be considered for the possible inclusion in the Workshop Proceedings and JNNCE Journal of Engineering & Management: ISSN: 2582-0079.

What the committee looks for in selecting your paper
The technical program committee looks for the following aspects in the review process. Please ensure the submitted manuscripts address all the aspects.

Novelty and original contribution(s):
The proposed work must have a novel and original contribution(s) relevant to the field of study. The paper must explicitly mention their contribution(s) in the content.

Technical relevance:
The author(s) must justify the technical relevance of the proposed solution to the present-day needs. It is also strongly recommended that the submitted paper aligns with the scope of the conference.

The implementation of the proposed solution either as a hardware prototype or through a simulator/emulator is required. The details of the implementation, with all the associated hardware/software tools and technology used must be explicitly mentioned.

Evaluation and Results:
The proposed solution must have been evaluated quantitatively and the results for the same must be included in the paper as graph-charts or tables, and must be discussed in detail. The metrics used for evaluation must also be specified.

Click here for Paper Template

NWC 2021 Student Track

NWC 2021 invites student to submit technical papers as a means to encourage students in the related engineering domain to discuss research, exchange knowledge, and generate interest in the field of Cryptography and Network Security. This Call for Papers solicits papers for NWC 2021 Student track. The fundamental objective of the student track of NWC 2021 is to provide student members with an educational experience that prepares them for their future as practicing engineers. Students attend and present their technical work. In addition, they establish relationships, learn from others, and hone their communication skills. Their work, both written and oral, is evaluated by professional members serving as judges, with the primary intent of providing qualitative feedback on the quality of their work.

The workshop has three categories - Undergraduate, Masters, and Undergraduate Team - each can present papers and win attractive cash wards

NWC Student Track Rules

The student currently studying in any college / university is eligible to submit a paper
A student member ID number / University Seat Number will be required for the paper and at the time of online registration to ensure that the student is currently studying.
A submission to the Undergraduate, Undergraduate Team, or Masters categories shall consist of both a written paper and an oral presentation.
The paper submitted should not have been submitted / accepted in any of the other conferences / technical symposiums.
The similarity index of the paper should be less than or equal to 25%. The author(s) are solely responsible for any plagiarized submission.
Only the work completed as an undergraduate or Master’s student is eligible for competition (No PhD Work).
The primary concept of a paper must be the work of the authors(s) listed. Papers that result from any joint work, internship, and sponsored research must include an acknowledgement statement specifying contributions of other participants in the project. The Judging Chairman reserves the right to establish that the work is, in fact the work of the author(s) listed.
Industry personnel are allowed to be co-authors of any paper – they may be acknowledged at the end of the paper.
One faculty advisor may be listed as a co-author on the student paper; however the student must be listed as first author. Faculty co-authors may not present the paper or answer questions about the paper at the student competition, nor are they eligible to receive prize money. Violations of this rule will be subject to the paper being disqualified.
The status of all authors (undergraduate, Master’s, faculty) must be clearly identified on the submitted paper. Responsibility for entry into the proper category (undergraduate, Master’s, Team) rests with the authors. Improper submissions that are identified, and have not been corrected within one weeks of the conference will be disqualified.
For the undergraduate or Master’s category, no more than two student authors may prepare and/or present a paper.
Papers prepared jointly by an undergraduate and a Master’s student will be scored in the Master’s category.
The Undergraduate Team category can have 3 to 4 total student authors (undergraduates only), and one listed faculty advisor
Student Papers cannot exceed 6 pages single column (8.5 X 11) including acknowledgements, references, and appendices. Papers must comply with IEEE Paper format (Use the Word Template in the conference website). Deviations from this format may result in the paper being disqualified. Individuals or teams presenting more than one paper will not be eligible to win more than one award.
Authors must submit their manuscripts to the email id on or before November 07, 2021 23:59 hrs AoE (Anywhere on Earth).
The selected papers will be considered for the possible inclusion in JNNCE Journal of Engineering & Management