Spot - Robot
Spot is an agile mobile robot that navigates terrain with unprecedented mobility, allowing to automate routine inspection tasks and data capture safely, acccurately and frequently...
Spot is an agile mobile robot that navigates terrain with unprecedented mobility, allowing to automate routine inspection tasks and data capture safely, acccurately and frequently...
This is a big step forward scientifically, Google AI officials said, because it is not imitating an existing diagnostic but rather using machine learning to uncover a surprising new way to predict these problems...
The headband manufactured by boston-based tech company BrainCo Inc uses built in EEG(Electroencephalography)Scanner, to track users level of focus.BrainCo has developed and launched an AI powered ....
Why AI Based Autocontouring? Our deep-learning based autocontouring solutions enable precise organs-at-risk contouring. They provide consistent results as a starting point for treatment.