The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, New Delhi

JNNCE  is a Organization Member of The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE). IETE is the national apex body of Professional Engineers devoted to the advancement of Electronics, Telecommunications, IT and allied areas. IETE serves more than 69,000 members both individual and industrial organizations through its 55 centres spread all over India including one abroad.

The main objectives of IETE is to organize conferences, symposia, workshops and brain storming sessions involving concerned professional, students, industry and associations for the advancement of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Information Technology, Computer Science and allied subjects. All these activities are being conducted efficiently by the IETE Centres, Sub Centres and the student forums (ISF) under the guidance of IETE Head Quarter at New Delhi.

IETE - Corporate members are spread over different streams of engineering such as Electrical, ECE, CSE, ISE and TCE. Its activity is not just restricted to JNNCE, it has even extending its service outside of JNNCE.

  • Provide an opportunity for professionals in pursuing professional development or connecting with like-minded Engineering professionals
  • Platform for enhancing leadership & communication skill of staff & students
  • Organizing events which helps in improving their skills

Office bearers of IETE Shimoga Center, Shimoga for the tenure 2022-24

  1. Dr. S. V. Sathyanarayana, Prof. & Head, E&C dept, JNNCE, Shimoga            Chairman
  2. Mr. Sharath S. M., Asst. Prof., E&C Dept., JNNCE, Shimoga                     Vice – Chairman
  3. Prof. Chidambara B., Principal, D.S.D.N. Polytechnic Shimoga                  Vice – Chairman
  4. Shri. Shashikiran S., Asst. Prof., TCE  Dept., JNNCE, Shimoga                  Hony. Secretary
  5. Shri. Madhusudhan G., Asst. Prof., TCE Dept., JNNCE, Shimoga               Hony. Treasurer

Executive committee members

  1. Dr. Manjunatha P, Dean (Academics), JNNCE, Shimoga  (Immediate Past Chairman)
  2. Smt. B. S. Ujwala, Asst. Prof., E&C Dept., JNNCE, Shimoga
  3. Shri. S. B. Harish, Asst. Prof., TCE Dept., JNNCE, Shimoga
  4. Shri. S. C. Pradeep, Asst. Prof., ECE Dept., JNNCE, Shimoga
  5. Shri. S. R. Sharath, Asst. Prof., ISE Dept., JNNCE, Shimoga
  6. Shri. Veeresh K B, Asst. Prof., E&E Dept., JNNCE, Shimoga

Co-opted Members

  1. Dr. G. S. Sunitha, Prof. & Head, E&C Dept., BIET, Davanagere
  2. Dr. Rajprakash, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Physics, JNNCE, Shimoga
  3. Smt. S. B. Nalina, Asst. Prof., Dept. of E&C, JNNCE, Shimoga
  4. Smt. Shwetha, Lecturer, DSDNP Polytechnic, Shimoga
  5. , Dept. of E&C, Sahyadri College of Engineering, Mangalore

IETE Shimoga Centre, arranges events to keep updating the technologies, improvement of skills, personality development, community development. It organises annual events

Events and Workshops conducted under IETE Student Forum

Photo Gallery


Inauguration of IETE Shimoga centre on 1st March 2009

Workshop-Linear Algebra

Workshop on Linear Algebra 2011

Lecture-IETE Award WInners

Lecture by IETE Award Winners 2011

Lecture-IETE for Electronics Students

IETE Workshop on Electronics for High School Students 2011

International Conference-RF

International Conference on RF&Wireless Communication 2013(IConRF13)

MPCIT 2013

International Conference on Multimedia Processing, Communications and Information Technology – MPCIT 2013

Inauguration-IETE Shimoga Centre

Inauguration of IETE Shimoga centre on 1st March 2015

ISRO Felicitation

Felicitation to Prof. Kiran Kumar, Chairman, ISRO by IETE Shimoga Centre

Outreach programme

ISRO Outreach Programme 2015 at IETE Shimoga centre

Outreach programme

ISRO Outreach Programme 2015 at IETE Shimoga centre

NWC 2016

National Workshop on Cryptology 2016 (NWC-2016), held during 11-13th Agust 2016


IETE Professional Activity Centre(PAC) Davangere - Inauguration on 13th October 2017

IoT Hands on Approach

National Level Workshop on "IoT - A Hands on Approach" held during 4th & 5th November 2017

IoT Hands on Approach

Five days workshop on “IoT - A Hands on Approach” held during 29th January 2017 to 2nd February 2018

The activities and events conducted by  IETE Shimoga Centre is helping staff and students in improving their teaching-learning, knowing the latest technologies, improvement in their leadership skills, connecting to professionals outside the institute, attending seminars, workshops, conference etc.

Your Future of Excellence Begins here

Our commitment to quality
and Excellence means that we only trained staff for Innovative Teaching and Realtime Learning Process.



Library and Information Center

One of the best places in our campus that we can boast of is our Library..

Hi-Tech Auditorium

The college has well furnished A/C Auditorium, which is equipped with state-of-the-art audio visual..

Modern Class Rooms

JNNCE has well furnished lecture hall equipped with audiovisual equipment like Smartboards, Projectors etc,.

Hostel and Transport

Hostels are a home away from home. We at JNNCE provide you a decent stay and the best possible learning environment.

Well Equipped Lab/Workshops

Well equipped spacious laboratories in all the departments so that student can perform development

Sports and Cafeteria

JNNCE recognizes the importance of sports and recreation for the overall development of student's personality.