

Message from President's Desk

Dear Students! Welcome to JNNCE. The College, an institution of academic excellence and achievement, was established in 1980 and is endowed with progressive futuristic outlook and aims at continual growth in the quality of all academic activities with a sense of commitment to fully meet the expectations of the students, parents and society at large. The college cares for the individual development of each and every student. Our teachers strive to teach not only academic programmes but also life skills needed for students’ self development with highly resourceful faculty.

In order to accomplish our vision and mission, we are prepared to take as much effort as possible for the betterment of academic scenario in our institutions. We believe that education is an effective medium of social transformation. We get encouragement, looking at bright and successful careers of our thousands of students, which subsequently benefit the society. We feel proud that we are part of such an excellent institute, which is shaping modern India.

I wish the best of fortune, peace and prosperity to all those who contribute to the noble task of spreading education and its manifest qualities, aims and objectives.

My best wishes to the new students entering JNNCE!

Sri. G. S. Narayan Rao

National Education Society, Shivamogga

Message from Secretary's Pen

Sri .S. S. Nagaraja.

SecretaryNational Education Society, Shivamogga

I am proud to say that Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering, a constituent college of National Education Society, Shivamogga is not only a pioneer institute of Engineering in the Malnad region but also an institute of repute in the state of Karnataka. The college has made tremendous progress in terms of infrastructure, Quality education and social responsibility. Thousands of young men graduated in Engineering from our college now in Engineering profession and good jobs across the country. The growing glory of the college is alumnus of the college have been selected in many corporate sectors. J N N C E is in the threshold of celebrating the 50th year in the 2016.

I wish the college success in its pursuit of Excellence.

Your Future of Excellence Begins here

Our commitment to quality
and Excellence means that we only trained staff for Innovative Teaching and Realtime Learning Process.



Library and Information Center

One of the best places in our campus that we can boast of is our Library..

Hi-Tech Auditorium

The college has well furnished A/C Auditorium, which is equipped with state-of-the-art audio visual..

Modern Class Rooms

JNNCE has well furnished lecture hall equipped with audiovisual equipment like Smartboards, Projectors etc,.

Hostel and Transport

Hostels are a home away from home. We at JNNCE provide you a decent stay and the best possible learning environment.

Well Equipped Lab/Workshops

Well equipped spacious laboratories in all the departments so that student can perform development

Sports and Cafeteria

JNNCE recognizes the importance of sports and recreation for the overall development of student's personality.